Business Location Considerations 

Business Location Considerations 

Finding the right business location is one of the most important decisions you will make. Are you going to be home-based, buy or rent? Again, research all you can. Are there advantages to where your business is based? Will your business be mobile? (24)


Zoning Approval

There may be restrictions on where you can locate your business and what improvement you can make to your existing property, so it is necessary to contact the city/town (or county if business will be based in an unincorporated region of the county) planning and zoning division regarding zoning laws before you commit to anything. (24)


Home-Based Business Location (including Online/Internet-Based Businesses)

Home-based businesses, including those that operate online/over the Internet, must comply with the same license and permit requirements as a business located at a commercial site.

In addition, home-based/online business activities must be in compliance with city/town - or county, if your business will be based in an unincorporated region of the county - residential zoning rules and homeowners' association rules or the deed restrictions on property. (24)

Additional Information:
Check with your accountant regarding state and federal income tax deductions for home office space.

Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Information: Work-at-Home Scams 


Mobile Businesses

Each incorporated city/town office and county office sets its own rules and may have business compliance requirements and/or restrictions. Therefore, if you plan to conduct business in more than one city/town/county, you will need to contact the city/town/county office in which you plan to be based, as well as, any city/town/county office in which you plan to conduct business, to learn of any requirements they may have.

Most city/town offices require businesses based within their jurisdiction to obtain their business license. Businesses operating within their city/town limits may also need to obtain their business license. There is not a “blanket state license” that allows you to “opt out” of obtaining any local licenses which may be required. (24)


Being based in an unincorporated region of the county

If your business will be based and/or operate in an unincorporated region of the county, check with the county Planning and Zoning and/or Development Services departments regarding zoning laws. County offices don’t typically issue a business license, however, they may still have business compliance requirements/restrictions. (24


Additional Information:
Arizona Commerce Authority: Community Profiles, County Profiles 

Arizona Commerce Authority: Arizona Assets Map - Interactive tool to assist businesses considering relocation or expansion in Arizona, as well as visitors and citizens. Searchable by more than 19 categories. (24)

Arizona Prospector, All you need to know for your next move - Use our data tools to analyze Arizona plus find sites and buildings: Database launched by the Arizona Public Service (APS) in partnership with the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA). Data tools to analyze Arizona by city, county, metro area, region and/or state by key data including: Community, Demographics, Business Data, and Talent Pool. Includes Dynamic Maps and the ability to Compare Communities. (24)

Arizona Public Service (APS), Economic Development - SizeUp Arizona: Provides small-to-medium sized businesses and entrepreneurs around the state with the market research and data analytics necessary to better understand competition and fine-tune their business model for success. The site provides the ability to research costs, revenue, customers, location, and marketing strategy scenarios comparative to similar businesses around Arizona or the U.S. (24)

U.S. Small Business Administration: Pick your Business Location