The Arizona MEP is pleased to offer a variety of services to help manufacturers reduce their operating expense. Our cost analysis experts estimate that most businesses overspend by 20% or more on non-core costs.

Cost Reduction

Learn how to reduce the cost of your product without sacrificing quality.

Overhead Reduction

Even after a business has performed its own cost reduction initiatives, we can still help reduce your non-core costs even more.

R & D Tax Credits

The US government awards over $7.5 Billion in federal R&D Tax Credits each year with more than 20% going to small to medium sized businesses. Contact us to see if your business qualifies.

Access to Capital

AZMEP exists to serve the Arizona manufacturing community. We know that access to capital can be challenging. We can help you develop the right capital strategy and provide access to numerous funding sources, including national and regional banks, private investors, grant programs, and non-traditional sources.

Contact us today! 602-845-1256 or email us.